Laurie wrote to Lady Jane’s wanting to help her sister-in-law Tammy make more memories that she will forever cherish.
Tammy was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Test results she received not only stated that she has terminal cancer but that it has invaded her bones. Doctors informed her that Metastatic patients have an average life span of three years.
Tammy had never been to a Lions game and having the opportunity to put a smile on her face so she can forget about this nasty disease, for a little while anyway, was absolutely amazing!
Here is what Lady Jane’s was able to hook her up with:
Chad’s front row Lions seats to yesterdays game vs the Vikings (10/25)
$50 VISA gift card for her to spend at the game
2 Lady Jane’s/Lions shirts
Tammy and her family also had the opportunity to come up to the Lady Jane’s suite and hang out with Chad and the game for a bit! All-in-all, it was a Wicked Awesome experience for everyone!